Charity Work
Our Cafod Thank you message Video
Brentwood Catholic Children's Society (BCCS)

"We are writing to acknowledge receipt of the very kind and generous donation of £430.24 which was raised by the St Joachim’s community for the benefit of our work.
At this time of unprecedented disruption to our charity’s fundraising calendar, never have donations from our schools been more vital to ensure the continuation of our work. Sadly in this post-pandemic period, we anticipate that there will be an even greater need for our services.
We would like to assure you that your school’s donation will help us continue our work with children, young people and their families who turn to us for our specialist help and so we thank you for taking a minute to support us in our endeavours."
Rudolph Run
As part of our annual autumn term charity support we raised money for the Brentwood Catholic Children's Society. Through our nativity and carol concerts our children raised £439 and through the Rudolph Run they raised nearly £200. Here some of our RE ambassadors are seen presenting the director of the Brentwood Catholic Children's Society with a check for over £1900 raised by all the Newham Catholic primary schools from the Rudolph Run.
Harvest Festival
We enjoyed an afternoon full of singing for our annual Harvest festival. Thank you to everyone who so generously donated food and other items to the harvest festival. There was a magnificent collection this year it has been donated to RAMP, who are always extremely grateful to receive such a large amount of food. The food and other goods will be used to make food parcels for those who are in great need.